
Explore how to create and schedule invoices using DoorSpot to ensure timely rent collection. Learn the steps to manage invoice schedules and keep rental operations organized.


Set Up Invoices


Create a New Invoice

To create a new invoice, start by navigating to the Income section and clicking on the Create Invoices button.

  1. Select the tenant from the Tenant dropdown.

  2. Set the Invoice date using the date picker.

  3. Choose the Due date using the same method.

  4. Specify the payment account.


Add Invoice Items

To add items to your invoice in the Create Invoices modal, use the Invoice Item textbox to specify each item.


Next, input corresponding amounts for each item in the Amount textbox.

Ensure all items and their amounts are listed before saving the invoice.


Schedule Recurring Invoices


Define Schedule Details

To create an invoice schedule, open the Invoice Schedules section and click Create an Invoicing Schedule. Then follow these steps:

  1. Use the Tenant dropdown to select the tenant for this schedule.

  2. Set the Start date and End date using the date pickers.

  3. Define the Due day for the invoice using the dropdown.

  4. Enter the number of Grace days in the textbox.

  5. Click Save to finalize the invoicing schedule.


Select Deposit Account

In the Create an Invoicing Schedule modal, selecting a deposit account is crucial to enable electronic payments. Follow these steps to choose an account:

  1. Open the Create an Invoicing Schedule modal by clicking the Create an Invoicing Schedule button. 2. Locate the Deposit account dropdown. 3. Click the dropdown to view available accounts. 4. Select the appropriate account from the list. 5. Review your selection to ensure accuracy. 6. Save the invoicing schedule.

Specify a Deposit Account

To process electronic payments, ensure you specify a deposit account in DoorSpot. Without it, tenants can't make online payments, which may disrupt rent collection.


Manage Invoice Notifications


Set Notification Preferences

In the Create an Invoicing Schedule modal, you can set how tenants are notified.

Notifications ensure tenants are aware of upcoming invoices based on their preferred method.


Adjust Grace Period

In the Create an Invoicing Schedule modal, use the Grace days textbox to set the grace period. This defines the extra days a tenant has to pay the invoice without incurring a late fee.

  • Enter the desired number of grace days in the Grace days textbox.

  • Provide tenants with additional leeway by setting enough grace days.

  • A grace period of zero days means late fees apply immediately after the due date.

If tenants do not meet the payment deadline defined by the grace period, a late fee will be assessed based on your settings. Ensure to configure the grace period to match your invoicing policies.