
Use filters in the Doors menu to efficiently manage property and unit lists by narrowing down search results and identifying specific criteria quickly. This feature streamlines property management tasks, saving time and enhancing productivity.


Access Filter


Activate Filter Options

To activate the filter options in the Units or Properties menu, locate the filter icon. It is usually found at the top right corner of the menu.


Click on the filter icon to activate it. You will know it is activated when the icon turns green. Once activated, the filter options will appear, allowing you to customize your search criteria.

Clear Unnecessary Filters Regularly

When multiple filters stack, your property list may shrink unexpectedly, making it difficult to manage all options effectively. Always clear filters when they are not needed to ensure you're viewing the full list of units and properties available. This practice allows for better oversight and management of your property portfolio.


Customize Table View

To refine your list of properties or units, you can use various filtering options available in the Units section. These filters allow you to customize your search based on specific criteria.

Use the dropdowns such as Bedrooms, Bathrooms, or Parking spots to select the desired number of each attribute. For example, selecting two bedrooms will narrow the list to units that meet this requirement.


Apply filters using tags to group units by specific labels. This helps in managing properties that share common characteristics, such as 'Pet friendly' or 'Near transit'.

Adjust the Rental price by entering a range in the provided input fields. This ensures that only units within your specified price range appear in the list.


For location-based filtering, use the Location search section. Enter a city, state, or zip code into the Location input field and set a Radius to define the search area. This filter is useful for finding properties within a particular geographic location.


The Availability section allows you to filter units based on date availability. Use the Start date and End date pickers to select a date range. Units available within these dates will be displayed.


Once you have set your desired filters, click on Apply Filters to see the refined list. You can also use the Clear button to remove all filters and view the complete list of properties or units again.


Apply Filters


Use List View Filters

To apply filters in the list view, first locate the filter icon in the units or properties menu. Click on the filter icon, which will turn green and display the available filter options.


In the list view, you can customize the table to show specific criteria. For example, you can use the Bedrooms dropdown to filter units by the number of bedrooms or the Unit tags dropdown to select specific tags that match your requirements.


As you apply filters, remember that they stack. This means that each additional filter will narrow down your list further. For instance, selecting a specific number of bedrooms and then adding a particular tag will refine the list to show units matching both criteria.


Use Map View Filters

Use the address filter to view properties within a specific location on the map. This can help you find units based on their proximity to a city, state, or zip code.

  1. Clear any existing filters if needed by clicking the Clear button.

  2. In the Location search section, enter a city, state, or zip code into the Location input field.

  3. Select a Radius using the Radius input field to determine how far from the specified location you want to search.

  4. Click the Apply Filters button to view properties within the specified location.

Manage Availability


Set Availability Date Range

To check the availability of units within a specific timeframe using the availability date filter, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Availability section on the Units page.

  2. Within the Availability section, find the Start date and End date fields.

  3. Use the Date Picker to set the desired Start date.

  4. Similarly, use the Date Picker to set the desired End date.

  5. Once both dates are set, click the Apply Filters button.

  6. The list will now display units that are available within the specified date range.

Identify Available Units

To identify units with zero tenants within a specific date range, you can use the availability date filter.

  1. Locate the Start date and End date date pickers in the Availability section.

  2. Select your desired date range using the date pickers.

  3. Click on the Apply Filters button to apply the date range filter.

  4. Units with zero tenants within the selected date range will be displayed as available.

Save and Manage Filters


Save Filter Sets

To save time and efficiently manage your properties, you can save your filters as filter sets. This allows you to quickly apply the same filters in the future without redoing the process from scratch.

  1. Access the Filters: Navigate to the Units section and click on the filter icon to open the filtering options.

  2. Apply Desired Filters: Choose the relevant criteria using the dropdowns and inputs for attributes such as Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Parking spots, Rental price, and Unit tags.

  3. Save Filter Set: Click on the Save Filter Set button found at the bottom of the filtering options panel.

  4. Name the Filter Set: Enter a unique and descriptive name for your filter set in the provided prompt.

  5. Manage Filter Sets: Access saved filter sets through the Filter Sets button available in the filtering options panel. Here you can apply, edit, or delete existing filter sets.

By following these steps, you can enhance your workflow by quickly applying previously configured filters, making property management more organized and efficient.


Apply Saved Filters

To apply your saved filter sets to listings, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Units or Properties section.

  2. Click on the Filter icon to open the filter options.

  3. In the filter options, locate the dropdown labeled Saved Filter Sets.

  4. Select the desired filter set from the Saved Filter Sets dropdown.

  5. Click the Apply Filters button to apply the selected filter set to your listings.

  6. The listings will now be filtered based on the criteria saved in the selected filter set.

By using saved filter sets, you can efficiently manage and organize your properties or units according to pre-defined criteria.